To Split or Not to Split?
Oct 14, 2020

This afternoon,
Mike Muth and I did a quick crop tour to see how harvest is progressing. What a difference after the year we have had! We heard the soil conditions had improved and it looks very encouraging. We started talking about how this year would be ideal to split apply fertilizer. A farmer could apply his immobile nutrients such as P&K this fall and follow up with the mobile products next spring and/or summer depending on weather conditions. A grower also would have the option to put none, some, or all of the mobile products on this fall. This typically would only be done in heavier soils.
Some benefits we discussed:
Soil conditions look ideal so there should be limited compaction
Split applying means quicker and more timely application due to less product handled
Applying some fertilizer in the fall is a hedge against a wet spring
One can evaluate soil conditions along crop and input prices in the spring to determine the amount of product to apply, number of applications (preplant, side dress, top dress) and the timing
Can use VRT (Variable Rate Technology) both in the fall and spring to apply the products in the right place at the right amount. This is especially important as we are bringing areas back into production.
Reach out to me or your Full Circle Ag Trusted Advisor about a split application program we have this fall.
Brent Schroeder
CPP Procurement Manager
Hecla Agronomy Manager
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