What Should You Be Worried about? Volatilization or Nitrification?
Jul 06, 2020

It is a good question and greatly impacts what type of Nitrogen stabilizer you should be using!
The wet spring brings concerns about whether the Nitrogen you applied in the fall is still there, or it has prevented the ability to make a spring application!
You Plan to Apply N Over the Top
Because you are making a top application, you should be concerned about volatilization. Hot weather after the application especially increases the chance your N will volatilize & escape in the air. Protect your investment with a product proven to prevent volatilization.
You Plan To Sidedress
If you are able to get the nitrogen in the ground, your concern should be with making sure you protect your investment. Nitrification can occur if you have wet weather shortly following the application. N-Stabilizer like Instinct can protect against nitrification and keep the N available for plants to use!
Give us a call today and we can help you get the right nitrogen stabilizer for your operation!