The Foundation of Proper Tank Maintenance
Oct 28, 2021
Corrosion. Plugged filters. Ice formation. Poor engine performance. Any of that sound fun? We don’t think so either.
With today’s modern diesel engines having much smaller, more sophisticated parts, they are naturally more prone to injector failure and clogged filters. This makes it more important than ever to ensure tanks and fuel remain clean. Now is the ideal time to perform routine tank maintenance to remove water and any other contaminants before the cold weather hits.
Not only does proper tank maintenance help ensure your fuel supply stays clean, but it also keeps it clean until it reaches the fuel system. Removing water, impurities, and microbes from the tank prevents them from entering your fuel system – thus preventing corrosion, plugged filters, ice formation, etc.
Managing the impact of water in your tanks is the foundation of proper tank maintenance. Getting a significant amount of water in your tank will wreak unnecessary havoc that you can prevent by performing proper maintenance.
Be sure to give us a call today so we can help give you some tips on proper tank maintenance and save you time when Mother Nature blesses us with her cold presence.