Avoid Early Season Stress for Late Season Success
Mar 19, 2019

One of your largest investment costs for the upcoming season is your seed purchase, what are you doing to protect your biggest input? Application of the right seed treatment can help your crop mitigate early-season risks, such as planting in cold wet soils, therefore reducing the risk of a replant, and help defend against soilborne insects and fungal diseases. To obtain maximum yield, there is an inevitable planting rush to get into the field. The result of choosing the right seed treatment is better germination and more uniform stands, making this a cost-effective way to maximize yield potential.
Soybeans to the Max
When it comes to soybeans, four soilborne fungal pathogens stand in the way – Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia and Fusarium. Early-season root rot, poor plant stand, and reduced vigor can be the outcome of unfavorable planting conditions. WardenCX seed treatment is designed with three different fungicides to defend against multiple yield-robbing diseases, like Phytophthora and Pythium. In addition, Warden CX also includes Cruiser® insecticide, with the patented Thiamethoxam Vigor™ effect. This allows for improved plant quality, stronger stems and larger root mass. Answer Plot® trial data from nine locations in 2014 showed an average 3.4-bushels-per-acre yield advantage when soybeans were treated with Warden CX compared to untreated seed.

Above is an image taken from a plot in Britton, showing the Warden CX seed treatment emergence advantage over an Untreated Hybrid.
Zinc, Corn’s superhero
Seed treatments can also help give your seed the leg up by providing micronutrients directly to your investment. Zinc is an important micronutrient for corn by acting as a catalyst for enzyme creation and is a precursor for auxin hormones that signal seed germination. All CROPLAN corn seed comes treated with Advanced Coating Zn zinc seed treatment, along with a fungicide and an insecticide. While fungicide and insecticide treatments come standard on other hybrid brands, CROPLAN is the only seed manufacturer adding zinc to their standard treatment with no additional cost to you.
New Zinc for the 2019 Season
In the 2019 growing season, Fortivent Zn is the new and improved zinc seed treatment and will be available for all new CROPLAN elite class corn hybrids. Fortivent Zn is engineered to provide early zinc supply, promoting seed germination, early-season plant health, and vigor. Winfield United has been testing Fortivent Zn for the past two years in their Answer Plot trials, each year showing a positive effect on yield. Across 41 trial locations, corn seed planted with Fortivent Zn seed treatment showed 4.8 bushel-per-acre advantage, proving that placing a zinc seed treatment adds yield potential.