Achieve the Right Start in 2019
Mar 21, 2019

High Yield begins with Strong Germination
A cold, wet spring is likely for the 2019 growing season. The addition of plant growth regulators, chelated zinc, and other in-furrow nutrients will help support an early and strong germination for your crop. To help your seed through the germination process under this year’s stress, consider the following to help obtain a higher yield potential:
- Select an in-furrow starter with phosphorous, to provide the appropriate phosphorous to give an added boost to the germination process.
- Use plant growth regulators that contain cytokinins, auxins and gibberellic acid to speed up the germination process. Ascend® plant growth regulators have the ideal concentration of each of these hormones to speed up germination helping your corn plant come out of the ground faster.
- Add chelated zinc to the starter to help give the seed what it needs to germinate successfully, even in cold, wet soil conditions.
- Make sure in-furrow zinc is fully chelated, because zinc can very quickly bind to the soil - especially in high pH soils. A fully chelated zinc like Ultra Che® Zinc 9% is important to making sure enough zinc is available to a young seedling.
Remember not all chelated zinc is the same. The video below visualizes the importance of picking the right chelation for not only your seed but your equipment.
Providing your corn plant the correct starter fertilizer, chelated zinc, in-furrow zinc, and a plant growth regulator, can increase your early season plant vigor. For a high yielding corn crop in 2019, consider giving your seed the right nutrients and taking away some of the many stresses this cold, wet planting season may bring!
Contact your local agronomist to help your hybrid acheive the right start to your 2019 season!