5 Ways to Turn Data into a Prescription
Nov 07, 2018
This year is ending, and a new year will be underway, so it’s time to dial up your planning for the upcoming growing season. With commodity prices demanding thorough preparation, data will be critical to ensuring you get the most out of every acre in 2019. Take time now to evaluate how you’re using data to make decisions on your farm and determine ways you can utilize the information available to you to increase profitability in your business.
Here’s a look at how the Full Circle Ag team uses data to power seed placement and help farmers place inputs precisely and effectively.
1. Access yield potential maps
Locate the most- and least-productive areas of your fields by using historical information found in the R7 Tool. Yield potential maps help you understand how various areas of your fields have performed over time. The R7 Tool also houses soil variability maps and elevation maps to help you create yield potential zones denoting where to concentrate management efforts.
2. View in-season imagery
The R7 Field Monitoring Tool uses daily low-resolution imagery to help you and your advisor see which fields are performing well and pinpoint where problems lie. This gives you the opportunity to better direct your scouting efforts and increase your overall efficiency on the farm. If you need to address a specific area in a corn field, you can develop a prescription for proper management — perhaps with a nitrogen or micro nutrient application, or a fungicide application. In a soybean field, in-season management of iron deficiency chlorosis might be in order or possibly noting problem white mold areas for future management.
3. Gauge response-to scores
The data below shows the range of yield response to four key decisions that affect productivity and profitability. The better you can predict the results of your management decisions, the less risk you will carry and the more yield opportunity you will realize. Utilizing the CHT chart in the R7 Tool shows yield data for different hybrids in different situations to help make the best informed decision.
4. Share information
Your agronomist has a huge amount of data pertaining to the fields on your farm through precision technology resources, but you possess the most important part; background history about your farm. The two of you should share that information. The more information your agronomist can give you, the better he or she can validate a recommendation. Or, the more information you can provide to your agronomist, the better he or she can shape it to fit your farm more precisely. Bottom line: The more information that’s available to make a prescription, the better.
5. Strive for sustainability and ROI
All these factors allow you to make input decisions based on real-time information and historical data to give you the most ROI potential by minimalizing risk based on known previous performance. This also provides you with peace of mind because you know you are applying products to those areas that need them. ROI is important but being sustainable and responsible is also a key factor in the long-term success of your operation.